Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Come On With The Perler Beads!

This weekend I finally got my black Perler Beads and got to working on some new stuff. I started off with three different version of Chun Li from Street Fighter before I got this one down. I made so many mistakes and ended up changing a color that was used to something lighter. This one came out so huge! I'm working on a Sagat one that will probably take another four hours.

I have wanted to do one of these Piranha Plants from Mario Bros. for the longest. I love the way it looks and many people have planted these in real dirt. Yes, I will be doing that later.

This is Billy Lee from Double Dragon. I'll be making more characters from that game since I love it so much. Blogs are still being written, podcasts done, and books read. These things have not taken away any of my free time which is kinda weird when you think about it.

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