Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Battling Gnats

Over the weekend I got some more plants from Lucy and a few from Camille. As you can see I love having plants in my house. I had some small succulents and used some cheap dirt from the 99 Cent Store that may have already had gnats in it and next thing I knew I had a swarm starting up. Last year I had some plants hardcore infested and at the time did not know how to get rid of them properly. Now I do. I got them, cleaned them off, handled the gnats, and put them in one container.

I need to get another shelf to handle the amount of plants I have because they are starting to get crowded. I almost went and bought some more but looked over at my plants and sighed. I would love more but my living room would become a jungle the way my cousin Jasmine is predicting. I also consolidated some of my plants like the long hanging one. And the one in the rounded basket on the wall is way different than I expected. In a pot it grow up a bit and slouched. I put it in the basket and it hung and then a day later they were all standing up all healthy and nice.

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